Aid Transparency Questions for Clinton
Today Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, testifies in front of the Senate, and tomorrow in front of the House. Stating the plans for the Foreign Affairs Budget in 2011 (FY11) she will outline how much money will be spent and where it will be allocated. At the request of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network, Publish What You Fund has submitted the questions below to be asked of Clinton. If these issues are addressed in the hearing we hope that it will be informative and allow us to anticipate greater aid effectiveness and transparency measures from the U.S. in the near future.
The questions submitted:
1. There is a significant increase in the International Affairs Budget to resources channelled through multilateral institutions, $3.3. billion, which represents a 35.7% higher than in FY10. As this is one of largest increase of any spending line, how do you plan to hold ensure the transparency of these institutions and ensure they are coordinated with U.S. agencies i.e. the World Bank, the IMF, USAID, MCC , PEPFAR and NGOs? Specifically how do you plan to make sure that aid information is made available and accessible in ways that are comparable with each other, and also with the spending of recipient governments, so as to ensure that duplication is reduced, and results can be meaningfully monitored and evaluated?
2. On January 6, 2010, at the Center for Global Development, you delivered a speech which many welcomed in and around Washington D.C. outlining the new agenda for development in the 21st century. During the speech you specifically mentioned the need to increase our nation’s investment in innovation. Will you allocate specific resources to connect technology, aid transparency and accountability around U.S. expenditures?
The hearings will take place as follows: (all times in EST)
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State/Foreign Operations
Wednesday, Feb. 24 – 10:30AM – 192 Dirksen
“Examination of the FY 2011 Budget Request for the Department of State”
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Wednesday, Feb. 24 – 2:30PM – 419 Dirksen
“Foreign Policy Priorities in the FY11 International Affairs Budget
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Thursday, Feb. 25 – 9:30AM – 2172 Rayburn
“Promoting Security through Diplomacy and Development: The Fiscal Year 2011 International Affairs Budget”
House Appropriations Subcommittee on State/Foreign Operations
Thursday, Feb. 25 – 1:00PM – 2359 Rayburn
“FY2011 Budget for the Dept. of State”