Call for transparent and comprehensive aid information
Today a blog by Molly Kinder at the Center for Global Development stresses the need for aid transparency following the Holbrooke-Kerry dialogue we covered last month.
“Enhancing the Transparency of U.S. Aid to Pakistan: It starts with a Click” begins with reference to Nancy Bridsall’s important call for “more complete and timely information about program plans, commitments and actual disbursements.” Kinder expands on this, explaining the advantages of a comprehensive website such as the Millennium Challenge Corporation where all information on aid is accessible from one source and in one format.
Information on aid ultimately needs to be comparable so that a common language is used by all U.S. agencies and can be coordinated among all donors. This universal method of disclosure is what the International Aid Transparency Initiative is aiming to deliver in order to be able to track global aid flows in one place; and, in the words of Dr. Shah, “to be clear about our commitments, and our commitment to getting more value for money we’re spending”.